崇拜还是征服自然的英语作文 关于人与自然的作文

作者:初梦桐 时间:2024-09-08 09:02 阅读数:12258

1、Man can conquer nature

2、As the saying goes: "man will triumph over nature."

3、Perhaps in the eyes of the world, human beings are insignificant, but in some ways, you will find that as long as our intentions to do, you will find the door to win for you are open.

4、Zhang Haidi, Shi Tiesheng! They are good examples, let us know that a person's strength is infinite, a person's perseverance things infinite.

5、In my opinion, our lives, though full of difficulties and hardships, but you have to trust the world has been very good, as long as you do not give up there will be hope.

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